Mike Sewell and Ben Barber's inspirational dramedy, "Wheel of Knowing" had its first screening last night in Sacramento, CA. The film tells the story of Melanie, the "perfect" mom who finds her life turned upside down when she takes her Alzheimer-inflicted father into her home. The film has humor and drama and I wrote a score that carefully balances both. There is a major carnival-theme that peeks in and out of the score ("Opening Titles", "Sam's Carnival Dream", "Win the Bear For Malanie", "Breakthrough") as well as a plucky theme for the father Sam, a sweet theme for Lauren and the family, a quirky theme for Gwen, a villainous theme for Lynn (and for rebellious Brad) and more. The cues start out lighter and more comical and get more serious as the film progresses and Sam's illness becomes much more severe. Humorous cues like "Sam Arrives in CA", "Sam At Church" and "Gwen's Car Towed" are offset by dramatic cues like "911", "I Need You to Believe" and "Breakthrough"; the last cue, "Lauren's Coma", begins with Sam's comical theme and then dives into a suspenseful and powerful musical finale.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Wheel of Knowing
Mike Sewell and Ben Barber's inspirational dramedy, "Wheel of Knowing" had its first screening last night in Sacramento, CA. The film tells the story of Melanie, the "perfect" mom who finds her life turned upside down when she takes her Alzheimer-inflicted father into her home. The film has humor and drama and I wrote a score that carefully balances both. There is a major carnival-theme that peeks in and out of the score ("Opening Titles", "Sam's Carnival Dream", "Win the Bear For Malanie", "Breakthrough") as well as a plucky theme for the father Sam, a sweet theme for Lauren and the family, a quirky theme for Gwen, a villainous theme for Lynn (and for rebellious Brad) and more. The cues start out lighter and more comical and get more serious as the film progresses and Sam's illness becomes much more severe. Humorous cues like "Sam Arrives in CA", "Sam At Church" and "Gwen's Car Towed" are offset by dramatic cues like "911", "I Need You to Believe" and "Breakthrough"; the last cue, "Lauren's Coma", begins with Sam's comical theme and then dives into a suspenseful and powerful musical finale.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
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